

Registration Fees


SPN members must be in good standing at the time of the registration for the meeting in order to benefit from member rates. Membership status will be verified.
Check your membership status and proceed for payment here.

New SPN members are welcome. To become a member please apply here.

SPN Scholarships

Scholarships will be awarded to SPN members that will present their work in the meeting.

International Scholarships

For researchers working abroad

5 PhD Students
5 Post-doctoral Fellows
(Award: 500€)

National Scholarships

For researchers working in Portugal

5 MSc or MSc Students
10 PhD Students
10 Post-doctoral Fellows
(Award: Early-bird registration fee)


- Submission of a short CV, with publication record (with impact factors of the journals at the time of publication) and communications
- Submission of an abstract
- SPN membership in good standing
- Contact of a reference person

Application deadline: October, 15.
Please submit all the required information to SPN secretariat.
For further information visit the SPN website.

Selected awardees will be contacted before November, 8.
Selected awardees will receive the scholarships during the SPN General Assembly, at SPN2021.

Non-selected candidates should contact the organizing committee (spn2021@cnc.uc.pt) if they want the registration to be cancelled (please see bellow the cancellation policy).

Payment and bank details 

Please specify surname_name_SPN2021 when ordering the transfer (eg. Smith_John_SPN2021), and send a copy of the transfer receipt to spn2021@cnc.uc.pt.

Full payment should be made in EURO. Currency exchanges or bank fees are participant responsibility.

Bank details:
Name of the Bank: Banco Santander Totta S.A.
IBAN: PT50 0018 000100202006118 88
Bank account holder: Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC)

Important Information

Please note:
- Your registration will only be completed after payment. You will receive an e-mail confirming your registration. If you do not receive the confirmation e-mail please contact: spn2021@cnc.uc.pt
- You must pick up your badge at the Registration Desk on the day of the meeting.
- Certificates of Attendance will be sent by e-mail after the end of the meeting.

Cancellation Policy

- Cancellations of the registration are accepted only by email sent to spn2021@cnc.uc.pt. A total of 80% of the registration fee will be refunded for cancellations received no later then November, 15. Thereafter, no refund will be made.
- All refunds will be processed within 21 days of written request, if applicable.
- Please note that if you are the 1st author of an abstract and cancel your registration, your abstract will not be included in the scientific program.

Abstract withdrawal only
- Abstract withdrawal can be requested by email sent to spn2021@cnc.uc.pt.
- Withdrawal of an abstract without cancelling the registration does not entail refund of the registration fee.

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