
Dear Colleagues,

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate in the XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience, which will be held in Coimbra, from 1 - 3 December, 2021.

An excellent group of speakers from several Portuguese Universities and Research Centers, as well as from other European countries, will share their latest findings. The meeting will be a dynamic and informal forum for scientific exchange in the different areas of Neuroscience, and a unique opportunity to discuss and share ideas.

The program will provide multiple opportunities for interaction, during the poster sessions, lunch time, coffee breaks and social events. This unique setting, held at the São Francisco Convention Center in Coimbra, which combines history and the best of the Portuguese architecture, will certainly contribute to inspire your future research. We hope the meeting will also help you finding new partners to address novel and exciting questions.

We look forward to welcoming you in Coimbra and wish you all an exciting and scientifically rewarding meeting!

The Organizing Committee 





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